Wednesday, November 19, 2008

23 Things - Assignment #8

City Chase 2008 - Toronto
(I'm sorta in this video because I participated in this awesome scavenger hunt challenge in Toronto!)

YouTube is great for entertainment...though I don't know about TPL using it as serious promotion since it'll be like watching a commercial (people will skip it if they can...) and there's the issue of taking it seriously...e.g. how do you know that TPL actually made it vs. some random patron? And it depends on what kind of promo...if its a clip of an event that went on recently...I could see how people would check it out if they missed it. It really depends on how TPL would film it/make it interesting.


1 comment:

23 Things Staff said...

Great thoughts on TPL using YouTube, and nice clip too. I remember seeing tons of red shirted people one day this summer, and now I know why.