Wednesday, November 19, 2008

23 Things - Assignment #8

City Chase 2008 - Toronto
(I'm sorta in this video because I participated in this awesome scavenger hunt challenge in Toronto!)

YouTube is great for entertainment...though I don't know about TPL using it as serious promotion since it'll be like watching a commercial (people will skip it if they can...) and there's the issue of taking it seriously...e.g. how do you know that TPL actually made it vs. some random patron? And it depends on what kind of promo...if its a clip of an event that went on recently...I could see how people would check it out if they missed it. It really depends on how TPL would film it/make it interesting.


23 Things - Assignment #7

Hello everyone!

You're right (in the assignment brief about being annoyed from hearing "podcast/podcasting" everywhere or "iSomething/ANYTHING" hahah).

Well, I only chose one podcast from PodCastAlley (because you really have to listen to them to see if you actually like it...I don't think the descriptions are very accurate...and some of the podcasts are full of swearing/inappropriate stuff...ohhhh well).

Check out...
PODRUNNER: Exercise music for running, spinning, or any fast-paced workout
Even though I hate running, I can see how this would be great for other high-intensive activities I do...though it sorta sounds like gym music lol...

If you have any good/interesting ones, let me know!



23 Things - Assignment #6

For this week we have GoogleDocs!

I've used GoogleDocs before and I think its a GREAT (especially for collaborations since you don't have tons of silly files floating around and version/compatibility issues). I definitely think it will get more popular as people get introduced to it! (I don't think it'll get popular with TPL staff work though cuz our computers have problems with Gmail pretty often...who knows! :)

Check it out!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

23 Things - Assignment #5

Using Delicious...yet another great web tool :) However I sort my personal bookmarks very well at home with Firefox, so I don't think I'll be using Delicious very often...maybe to search up other people's favourites if I have time :).

Check out my fun recommends :) *Turn sound on computer if possible, its cute stuff :P
